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The Greek Cultural Center - GCC invites:

Performance - concert

"Pontikonisi. Mouse Island
"Pontikonisi. Mouse Island", Evgenia Kashina. Canvas,oil, 50õ60cm, 2019.

Paintings by Evgenia Kashina at the exhibition Dear friends!

Greek Cultural Center - GCC is pleased to invite

You will be on Friday, May 17, 2024, at 19.00 for the performance


Dedicated to the great Greek poetess of the 20th century, Eftichia Papayanopoulou...

Music and dances of Greece "rembetiko" and "laiko".

Concert Hall "DOM",

Moscow, st. B. Ovchinnikovsky lane 24/4, metro station "Novokuznetskaya".


Vocal Group of the State Cultural Center "ASTERIA" - "STARS", artistic led by Inessa Efremidou, a teacher seconded from Greece.

Dance Group of the State Cultural Center, artistic director Oksana Rakcheeva.

Greek bouzouki player, singer, virtuoso Dimitrios Koutsiouras.

The actress in the role of Eftikhia is Theodora Yannizi.

Script, director: Teodora Yannizi, director of the GCC, Ph.D., actress.

Exhibition of paintings based on Greek motifs “Landscapes of the Greek Islands” from the artist Evgenia Kashina.

Original idea: Oksana Rakcheeva, Dimitris Katsiouras.

Translation of poems from Greek into Russian: Inessa Efremidou.

Organizational and technical support – GCC staff, Ekaterina Kozulina, Stavros Karakasidis.

Information support – social and cultural project yagrek.ru

GREEK CULTURAL CENTER www.hecucenter.ru

Registration for the event: https://forms.gle/S1nvAzThFWvSZLqF6

15 paintings by Evgenia Kashina, written during her travels in Greece and Cyprus and based on her travel impressions, are presented at the exhibition “Landscapes of the Greek Islands”.

Evgenia Kashina in the plein air on the island of Crete, Greece, September 2018. Greek islands: Corfu, Paxos, Antipaxos, Crete.

“Corfu was remembered for its incredible sky. Every morning, rushing to catch a sightseeing bus in the pre-dawn hour, every evening, sitting on the beach until the last glare of the setting sun faded on the bizarre clouds, I looked at the changing sky and tried to capture every feature in my memory...

A vivid memory was the cruise to the tiny islands of the Ionian Sea, Paxos and Antipaxos. The amazingly beautiful bay of Gaios, the capital of Paxos, still preserves the spirit of the Venetian Republic,”
- recalls artist Evgenia Kashina.

Director of the Greek Cultural Center Theodora Yannizi:

Director of the Greek Cultural Center Theodora Yiannitsi at the opening of the exhibition “I convey ardent greetings from the like-faithful and friendly Greek people. It is very difficult to overestimate the scale, significance, greatness and potential of the contact between our two worlds, our two peoples - Greek and Russian. Greece and Russia have a lot in common.

Our society is based on the principles of the Eastern Christian world, on the ideas of goodness, love, virtue, humanism, altruism, on the message of our beloved heroine Antigone, who answers her uncle Creon: “Sharing love is my destiny, not enmity.”

We are together! We are one world! After all, together we are stronger, more powerful, spiritually richer and happier.”

Greek Cultural Center

Paintings by Evgenia Kashina dedicated to Greece can be viewed here: Greek islands: Corfu, Paxos, Antipaxos, Crete.

Paintings by Evgenia Kashina from the plein air in Greece, Corfu island: http://kashina.ru/galery/Korfu_2016_eng.html

Paintings by Evgenia Kashina from the island of Cyprus: http://kashina.ru/galery/cyprus_eng.html

All paintings can be purchased if desired, or you can order the desired plot.

Artist Evgenia Kashina against the background of her paintings at the opening of the exhibition "Paxos" painting by Evgenia Kashina. "Rethymnon. View of the lighthouse", painting by Evgenia Kashina. &quotGaios, capital of the island. Paxos. Yachts" painting by Evgenia Kashina. &quotSunset on Corfu. Drifting raft" painting by Evgenia Kashina.

In the illustrations above:
«Pontikonisi. Mouse Island», painting by Evgenia Kashina,
50x60cm, oil on canvas, 2019

Evgenia Kashina in the plein air on the island of Crete, Greece, September 2018.

Director of the Greek Cultural Center Theodora Yiannitsi at the opening of the exhibition "At the crossroads of peoples and cultures" in the Moscow City Duma.

In the illustrations below:

Artist Evgenia Kashina against the background of her paintings at the opening of the exhibition "At the crossroads of peoples and cultures" in the Moscow City Duma.

«Paxos», painting by Evgenia Kashina,
50õ40cm, oil on canvas, 2019ã

«Rethymnon. View of the lighthouse», painting by Evgenia Kashina,
50õ60cm, oil on canvas, 2019ã

«Gaios, capital of the island. Paxos. Yachts», painting by Evgenia Kashina,
30õ50cm, oil on canvas, 2018ã

«Sunset on Corfu. Drifting raft», painting by Evgenia Kashina,
30õ50cm, oil on canvas, 2018ã


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