The magazine "Miracles and Adventures" presents:
"Elixir of Immortality by Evgeniya Kashina"
The article by Dmitry Zelov for the magazine “Miracles and Adventures”, 11/2024.
«The painting of Moscow artist Evgeniya Kashina, like, probably, the work of any enthusiastic and gifted person, is multifaceted, diverse... and mysterious and enigmatic at the same time.
After all, painting for her is not just a hobby or an outlet from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
This is its essence and meaning of life.
This is how the artist herself speaks about her work and the Path: «I have been drawing since childhood, as long as I can remember.
I draw because I like it and because I can’t imagine my life any other way.
Although no, I imagine - in poetry, dancing, travel.
I imagine it so vividly that I immediately want to draw it all, as well as dance and describe it in words.
And if what I do makes at least someone feel a little bit lighter in their souls, that’s enough for me».
Listing the numerous artistic solo and group exhibitions in which Evgenia Kashina took and is taking part would amount to a long list of more than one page.
Therefore, we will not bore you and make the reader yawn - his paintings will speak best for the artist.
There are really a lot of them and which, of course, reflect different stages of the artist’s creative path and skill, his hobbies and preferences.
A talented person is talented in everything.
This statement fully applies to the heroine of our story.
Evgenia Kashina is not just an artist.
She is the author of deep poems and equally interesting prose that make you stop for a moment and think about the meaning of life, an illustrator of children's books, a production designer for now popular musicals and an artist for a number of animated films, as well as a creator of computer graphics and exciting special effects.
For us and, we think, also for our readers, it was a discovery of a topic that modern artists do not turn to very often.
This is the eternal and inevitable topic of death, which in polite society has become, it seems, not customary to talk about, but which everyone constantly thinks about one way or another.
Evgeniya Kashina in her work gives her answer to this sacramental question, which, in fact, lies on the surface: you should not be afraid of what is inevitable and serves as the starting point for the transition to another reality of the other world.
To be reborn again in a new, transformed quality.
At one time, the artist even took part in the international competition-exhibition “The Theme of Death in Contemporary Art,” taking an honorable second place in the “Painting” category with the painting “Elixir of Immortality.”
The elixir of immortality is, of course, a mythical and allegorical source.
But our own happiness and health, as well as the health and happiness of those around us, depend on the lifestyle of each of us, on our habits, behavior and even thoughts and emotions.
It is within the power of each of us to take steps in this direction towards the Light so that life becomes better.
After all, we will always make it there, into oblivion.
And Death, this bony old skeleton woman with a scythe, will come for everyone, even the owner of a bottle with the magic elixir of immortality. Everything and everyone has its own time and time.
Many of the artist’s paintings were created based on her travel impressions about traveling to distant countries.
This is the Egyptian series, revealing to us the country of the pharaohs and pyramids through the prism of the author’s perception.
In the picture “Isis-Hathor. "Mistress of the Nile" the artist refers us to the mysticism and mysterious depth of Egyptian mythology, to its gods and mysteries.
The Nile is a sacred river for the ancient Egyptians, and the goddess Isis is one of the central figures of the local pantheon of divine beings and entities.
A number of paintings from the Egyptian series by Evgenia Kashina adorn the Novosibirsk Museum of Funerary Culture, in particular, the painting “The Boat of Eternal Life” filled with deep symbolism.
It was in such funeral boats that ancient peoples buried their dead almost all over the world.
But one should not think that the artist’s work contains only mystical and gloomy paintings on the theme of Life and Death.
The work of Evgenia Kashina is a bright palette of colors, colors, sounds, emotions and impressions.
Landscapes, still lifes, marinas and much more - everyone can find something for themselves, guided by personal feelings and preferences.
And finally, a little bit of official data.
Evgenia Kashina is an established, professional artist, member of the Creative Union of Professional Artists (since 2009).
Her works are in many museums and private collections in Russia, USA, France, Israel, Egypt, Serbia, Argentina, Taiwan, Bulgaria and many other countries.»
Dmitry Zelov, the article for the magazine “Miracles and Adventures”, 11/2024.
In the illustrations above:
«Elixir of Immortality»,
painting by Evgeniya Kashina. 2 prize in Painting Category in The First International Young Artists Exhibition and Competition "DEATH IN MODERN ART". World Funeral Culture Museum (Novosibirsk), oil on canvas, 70cm x 100cm, 2008ã.
«Lilac: the rapture of youth»,
painting by Evgeniya Kashina, oil on canvas, 50cm õ 35cm, 2008
«The Aspiration»,
painting by Evgeniya Kashina,
squeeze my hart inside my chest,
I turn my arms into the wings,
I leaving Earth without regrets
To aspirate in future being..
oil on canvas, 100 cm x 50 cm, 2010
«Isis - Hathor. Lady of the Nile»,
painting by Evgeniya Kashina, oil on canvas, 60cm õ 40cm, 2008
«Boat of Eternal Life»,
painting by Evgeniya Kashina. Novosibirsk Museum of World Funeral Culture, oil on canvas, 70cm õ 100cm, 2008.
In the illustrations below:
Evgeniya Kashina with her paintings at the International Exhibition "Necropolis 2008".
«Country supper»,
painting by Evgeniya Kashina, oil on canvas on cardboard, 35cm x 30cm, 2010
«Yogis soaring in the mountains of Tibet»,
painting by Evgeniya Kashina, oil on canvas on cardboard, 50cm x 35cm, 2008
«The Voyage to Egypt»,
painting by Evgeniya Kashina, Cardboard, gouache, pencil, 20cm õ 30cm, 1999
Paintings by Evgeniya Kashina, dedicated to the themes of Symbolism, Esotericism, Fantasy, can be viewed here:
Paintings by Evgeniya Kashina by genres and themes:
Scenography by Evgeniya Kashina: